Can You Reduce Your Risk Of Heart Attack In Less Time Than You Load A Dishwasher?
The results of this Japanese research study seem to show a reduction in heart attack risk.
The study used Far Infrared Sauna therapy on patients at 60 degrees Celsius for just 15 minutes. Then gave them bed rest with a blanket for 30 minutes once a day for two weeks.
I suspect most people at risk of heart attack would be willing to spend 15 minutes a day in a far infrared sauna to reduce that risk. It's less time than it takes me to load the dishwasher!
Their summary of their study includes the following interesting points for heart patients:
- Repeated sauna therapy improves impaired vascular endothelial function in patients with coronary risk factors.
- Systolic blood pressure was lower than the non-sauna group after just two weeks
- Increased urinary 8-epi-prostaglandin F(2alpha) (PGF(2alpha)) levels (a marker for oxidative stress) was lower than those in the non-sauna group after two weeks
Their conclusion is that it "suggest that repeated far infrared sauna therapy may protect against oxidative stress, which leads to the prevention of atherosclerosis".
As I noted in my first post the Japanese really are into Far Infrared saunas in a big way. So we need to take note of how they're using it in the health and fitness field.
Note: The Ultimate Sauna web site has some interesting details about acute mercury poisoning that affected thousands of Japanese people.
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