Thursday, June 15, 2006

Do Multiple Chemical Sensitivities Exist?

Researching on the Internet and I came across an interesting paper by Stephen Barrett M.D.

If you've been diagnosed with  it's going to be a little puzzling.

His conclusion, which I've shown in full, was:

"Multiple chemical sensitivity" is not a legitimate diagnosis. Instead of testing their claims with well-designed research, its advocates are promoting them through publications, talk shows, support groups, lawsuits, and political maneuvering (such as getting state governors to designate a Multiple Chemical Sensitivity Awareness Week). Many are also part of a network of questionable legal actions alleging injuries by environmental chemicals.

Many people diagnosed with "" suffer greatly and are very difficult to treat. Well-designed investigations suggest that most of them have a psychosomatic disorder in which they develop multiple symptoms in response to stress. If this is true -- and I believe it is -- clinical ecology patients run the risks of misdiagnosis, mistreatment, financial exploitation, and/or delay of proper medical and psychiatric care. In addition, insurance companies, employers, other taxpayers, and ultimately all citizens are being burdened by dubious claims for disability and damages. To protect the public, state licensing boards should scrutinize the activities of clinical ecologists and decide whether the overall quality of their care is sufficient for them to remain in medical practice.

Where does that leave those people with "?" Certainly there is no doubt that people can be persuaded that they've been exposed to dreadful toxic chemicals that impact their lives and the result of their belief is their symptoms.

Equally you can't say the World has no toxic problems. The believes that 95% of disease is caused by environmental factors.

A study at conducted research into . James Baraniuk, MD, assistant professor of medicine and first author, said,

"For years, patients with chronic fatigue syndrome have suffered from painful symptoms for which there is no blood test, diagnosable physical condition or any method for doctors to measure improvement. Our research provides initial evidence that chronic fatigue syndrome and its family of illnesses may be legitimate, neurological diseases and that at least part of the pathology involves the central nervous system."

Here is the evidence that exists despite doctors saying that it was psychological and was not a physical disease at all.

It's taken years to arrive at the conclusion that is a real disease.

In a similar way chemical sensitivity may not act in the way doctors currently think. Therefore the tests they carry out to establish whether people have sensitivity may be inadequate.

That said, the paper I quoted originally does note some cases where the practioners involved appear to have been uninterested in their patients welfare. 

So as always it is vital for sufferers to carry out their own research before undergoing strict/harsh regimes to remove toxins.

 has produced a report called "Do It Now: Detox or Die" which describes a number of different ways to detox. To get a Free copy request it at the web site at The Ultimate Sauna Company


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