Thursday, April 20, 2006

Do You Have These Symptoms Of Environmental Illness Without Even Realising?

As toxins increasingly swamp our body's systems doctors point to people they diagnose as "environmentally ill".

Japan has been using Infrared technology for many years to reduce toxic loads and has numerous studies on the benefits of far infrared saunas.

One great western example is from Canada. Randy Gomm became a distributor of Far Infrared saunas exactly because his entire life changed after detoxification.

Randy had been a fireman until he was diagnosed with fibromyalgia and was unable to work.

He was ill for eight years during which time they found he had toxic overload from his job.

During those 8 years he looked into fibromyalgia and discovered
that sufferers and also chronic fatigue syndrome sufferes had high
toxic loads. He also found that if the toxic loads were reduced
"...their symptoms often improved dramatically."

In fact he used detoxification on himself and found that he could
return to work.

Dr. Doris Rapp a past president of the American Academy of
Environmental Medicine said, "Everybody in this country needs to be detoxified because we've all become 'toxic dumpsites.'"

After she saw a Far Infrared sauna used in Germany she began
using a far infrared sauna herself.

So how do you know you've got a toxic overload?

Overload symptoms are varied and include head, joint and muscle pains, susceptibility to colds, increased allergic reaction, chemical sensitivity and increased skin problems. In fact studies by the WWF and others show that each and every one of us is contaminated by multiple hazardous chemicals. They may not have us at death's door at the moment, but they are nontheless undermining our health, and they are bioaccumulating. This means that they are continually increasing in our bodies with no way out (unless we take specific steps to remove them)! And make no mistake, this threat to the health of every one of us is serious - and it's continually getting worse.

However, if we do remove them, all aspects of our health are improved. Our energy increases, our ability to fight serious diseases improves, our appearance improves (stronger hair, clearer skin, stronger nails, brighter eyes) etc. and we hold back the ageing process. Quite simply our bodies function more as they should when they do not have to overcome the adverse effects of these toxic substances.

In "Detoxify or Die" Dr Sherry Rogers says that a Far infrared
is the only way, which is proven with before and after data, to remove the worst of these toxins.

A far infrared sauna plugs directly into normal domestic mains,
and requires only a 10 - 15 minute warm up. Even heart patients - especially heart patients - benefit from its use, but do speak with your doctor first. He or she may be unaware of it benefits, in which case the Ultimate Sauna company will be more than happy to supply details of scientific studies, done by instituions which he or she will recognise and almost certainly respect, proving the benefits. Alternatively they can supply details of doctors or dentists who are already aware of the benefits and recommend them accordingly.

A far infrared sauna doesn't cost as much as a conventional
sauna to buy or to use. You can have the luxury and the pleasure of a sauna and know that at the same time you are taking important steps to look after your health too.

As the Finns say "Whilst we might want the best sauna in the world, it is far more important to get the world into the sauna."

And as Dr. Rapp says, "If far-infrared saunas work, why wait to use

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Scientists Find Cancer Killing Vegetable Compounds

Scientific American's article on Cancer Killers reports on a study by University of Pittsburgh pharmacologist Shivendra Singh.

The study shows that when cruciferous vegetables (cauliflower, broccoli, brussel sprouts and cabbage) are chewed it helps to control human prostate tumors grafted into mice.

Other vegetables that show promise include ginger and hot peppers.

The scientists found the chemical released by chewing made the prostate cancer cells kill themselves (a process called apoptosis).

After 31 days treatment the tumours of the mice treated with the chemical (Phenethyl-isothiocyanate) were nearly twice as small as the control group.

If you look at Dr. Sherry Roger's book: Detoxify or Die, you'll see the evidence that shows the toxins that surround us can cause the diseases and cancers we get. At least in Dr. Roger's book you also get shown the ways to reduce the risks of disease and ways to remove toxins.

Other studies reported in Scientific American article show:

  • Hot peppers killed human pancreatic cancer in mice
  • Ginger powder killed ovarian cancer cells in test tubes