Sunday, September 10, 2006

Are you a "Canary in a Cage"?

In the early days of undergound mining, miners took canaries down into the mines with them to provide an early warning sytem of dangerous gases leaking into the mine. Canaries are very sensitive to these poisons and would readily die when exposed to them, so giving the miners a warning of the danger before they would otherwise be aware of it.

We have a similar sytem operating today, but it is people rather than canaries, who are being sacrificed in the early warning system for the rest of us.

As most of us know, we live in a poisoned world. Over the last 50 or so years chemicals have been used in such quantities and used with such diversity that there is now no place on earth free from a chemical presence. From the Antarctic to the most remote deserts, from the deepest oceans to the highest mountains, everywhere is contaminated! Polar bears are so contaminated that their reproductive systems are being affected and there is fear that this may cause them to become extinct. The level of contamination in the breast milk of Innuit women is so high that if duplicated in milk on supermarket shelves it would be illegal to sell it! If scientists want an unpolluted sample they have to drill down through hundreds of feet of ice until they reach deposits laid down before chemicals started to be used!

It is easy to appreciate therefore that all the plants that we eat are contaminated by chemical toxicity, whether they are traditionally farmed using pesticides and chemical fertilisers or organically grown. Organic farming is evidence that chemicals have not been used in the farming process, but no regulations can control the movement of air or the toxins in it, when it travels across the country.

The pollution from Chernobyl landed, amongst other places, in Wales. Where did the toxins from the Hemel Hempstead oil depot fire land? They certainly didn't skirt around the farms growing organic produce! Whilst these are horrifying extremes, the more serious problem is the pollution caused simply by modern style living because it is taking place on a daily basis.

And there is a force at work which is magnifying this problem exponentially.

Theo Colburn and others showed in their revealing book "Our Stole Future" how Biomagnification of toxins rises exponentially to incredibly alarming levels when they took Lake Ontario as their test laboratory. Tests were made for PCB's, which along with Dioxins, Phthalates and others accumulate in the body and have been shown to have no natural way out of the body.

They tested microscpic organisms known as phytoplankton and discovered a level of toxicity, after a set period of growth, which they described as 250 units.

These were eaten by tiny animals called zooplankton and mysids which absorbed those 250 units as a single meal. With one meal a day, after 180 days the Mysid contained 45,000 units and might in turn be eaten by a small fish.

This fish ate these 45,000 units again as a single meal and in just 19 days, if eating one such meal a day, would themselves contain 835,000 units.

Eating just 3 of those small fish the larger fish such as trout would then contain 2,800,000 units.
With just 12 meals of trout we can absorb over 25,000,000 units of toxins. This is the exponetial effect of the food chain in action.

Obviously there is a limit to how much toxicity we can absorb before we become ill, and there is both massive and increasing amounts of evidence that shows that most of todays diseases are the result of a toxic build up. Eating food at the high end of the food chain (i.e. meat, fish, eggs and dairy) multiplies this toxic intake massively when compared against eating lower in the food chain.

On a personal basis, if we wish to maintain our health, we each need to do what we can to minimise the amount of toxins that we take in. However, even with the utmost diligence we will still absorb toxins and we also need to do what we can to remove those that we do absorb. Regular detoxification, in a variety of different ways is an essential for good health in the 21st century. For a free report on the various detoxification methods see . For details on how to detoxify what Dr. Sherry Rogers calls the worst of these toxins (i.e. the chemicals) see

Despite the known harm of toxicity to life on earth, man's activities continue to increase the levels in our environment. In addition many of the products in use today will gradually break down over a number of years continually giving off toxins as they do so. Even if every pollution causing activity were ceased today, the toxicity in the environment would continue to increase for some time because of all the chemically produced products in our society. Obviously pollution causing activity will not completely cease today, and we will almost certainly continue to actively increase toxicity levels for many years to come.

On a society wide basis there is a limit to how much toxicity we can absorb before our food sources are killed off, (as they are affected by the toxins just as we are) and before it overwhelms us and kills us as well.

Experience tells us that those in political power, because so often their major concern is simply to be re-elelected, will only take action on such matters when the majority make it clear that that is what they want. This is only going to happen when enough people fall seriously ill or die, and the connection is made between these deaths and the pollution, for the general public to call "enough".

Those who die from these toxins are collectively "The canaries in the cage" for the rest of us. What about you? Are you going to be one?


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