Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Have They Found A Marker to Show Possible Future Brain Disease Problems?

You may remember back in May 2006 we asked if you suffered from oxidative stress.

Back then we showed a  free radical test that could help indicate a marker that showed that stress so that you could deal with it before you got diseases like Parkinson's or others.

As you know Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, Lou Gehrig's disease and other brain problems are in a growing band of diseases that are thought to be caused by oxidative stress. Oxidative stress being the cell damage caused during metabolism when the oxygen in the body assumes ever more chemically reactive forms.

The exact connection between oxidation and these brain diseases has been missing until a new study just reported today in the journal Biochemistry. The study by the Department of Energy's Pacific Northwest National Laboratory and UCLA's David Geffen School of Medicine shows damage is linked to nitration of proteins ( which is a natural byproduct of oxidation).

The study was carried out on nearly 8,000 different, detectable proteins in the mice brains. The study has said that neurodegenerative diseases leave a marker that could be used to predict the earliest stages of brain disease.

The markers relationship to protein does make me wonder whether it could also be used as a test for "Mad Cow Disease". 

Others believe that detecting the marker before possibly permanent damage occurs would help doctors cure "incurable" diseases.

You can  get free radical tests to show whether you're subject to oxidative stress. These tests allow you to monitor your own levels and do something about it.

 Oxidative Stress - What Is It?

Oxidative stress is cell damage caused by too many oxidants, including  free radicals, peroxide and oxygen ions. As I've noted before these oxidants are necessary in the body for proper cellular function. It's only when they're present in excess that they become harmful. And it's only where the body is unable to resolve the excess that problems can appear as disease.

Other Causes Of Brain Disease

A large recent study at the Harvard School of Public Health (HSPH)  shows that people who report exposure to chronic low dosage of pesticides have a 70% higher incidence of Parkinson's Disease than people who don't report such exposure.

The study also looked for other Parkinson Disease links with exposure to other  substances such as asbestos, coal dust, stone dust, chemicals, acids, or solvents. It found no link for these.

Remember an infrared sauna is the only proven method, with before and after data, to remove man-made chemicals from the body. So an infrared sauna is to going to be of major assistance in helping the body remove pesticides and residues, because they are all man-made. Read Sherry Rogers book Detoxify or Die for her information on pesticides like Dioxin, a very strong pesticide.

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Blogger Charlie Cory said...

Infrared Sauna

A visit to a sauna can be both healing and revitalizing to the body due to the properties of infrared light. Saunas help the injured athlete during their rehabilitation process; most medical professionals will suggest this type of treatment to their patients.

1:47 pm  

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