The First 9/11 Mercury Poisioniong Death Wont Be The Last
The 9/11 terror attacks on the World Trade Center in New York didn't just kill thousands of people in the two tower blocks. It also condemned others to a lingering illness caused by over 2,400 chemicals and environmental toxins thrown up into the air which have been settling as fine dust taken in by breathing and eating. This was estimated in a report that investigated the environmental problems caused by 9/11.
They've calculated that for lead alone there was 200,000 to 400,000 pounds from the computers and other hardware.
Another heavy and toxic metal: Mercury is estimated to have been vapourised from half a million light bulbs.
Detective James Zadroga of the New York Police Department was the first emergency service worker to die from mercury poisoning, as reported on 8th January 2006.
Mercury Poisoning Kills Hundreds And Ruins Lives of Thousands
The Japanese Minamata bay was only re-opened in the 90's after a 26 year ban on fishing.
The reason?
A factory had been pumping mercury waste into the bay for many years. The fish became contaminated. Fishermen caught the fish and fed their families with them.
The result was that 900 people died from mercury poisoning
Those who died suffered from convulsions and other equally serious symptoms.
It affected the children who were born during the decades that the mercury waste was pumped into the bay.
Over 12,600 people were recognised as victims of the disease.
The problem?
It took many years before people faced up to the poisions there were putting into peoples drinking water and their food.
What About New Yorks Toxic Iceberg?
The one person to die is likely to be one of the first badly affected. He is probably the tip of the toxic iceberg. Many others will struggle on with symptoms that are not diagnosed as toxin-related.
The problem is that when the 9/11 attack occured many tons of toxic material including mercury and lead were vaporised in the intense fires. Effectively they were dumped all over that area of New York.
The result is that people with mercury, and lead, poisioning will continue to appear, unless something is done to reduce or eliminate the toxic loads the original workers, their replacements and the residents now have.
The Olive Leaf Wholeness Center report on their toxin treatment of a group of sufferers does show that heavy metals can be removed from people's bodies. They also used infrared sauna therapy to mobilise heavy metals from the tissues, along with lipophilic antioxidants because many toxins including mercury and dioxins are stored in body's fatty tissues (as noted in Detoxify or Die, Sherry Rogers MD,Sand Key Company, 2002).
So the way to reduce people's toxic load has been proven in their report.
The Buncefield Oil Depot
In Hemel Hempstead an enormous oil depot burst into flame and burned for several days. That also created an enormous amount of toxins in the immediate area. Have doctors there noticed any impact yet? When they do remember the Olive Leaf report which reports on the methods they used to detoxify people and includes the use of infrared saunas.
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