Friday, June 30, 2006

Quest 2006 (Your Natural Health Show) - It Blows My Mind!

I've just looked at the Quest 2006 (Your Natural Health show) programme.

I’m staggered they’ve managed to shoehorn in so many workshops and cram in such a vast amount of music into 3 days.

The organisers are cordially inviting us to "join international authors and workshop leaders to explore the 21st century Mind, Body and Spirit". I look forward to it.

This Mind, Body and Spirit Festival is at Newton Abbott racecourse in Devon and starts on the Friday 7th of July and goes on to the Sunday 9th of July.

We'll be there, complete with infrared sauna, on stand 73. If the weather gets hotter we might end up being cooler in the infrared sauna! Come and have a chat we're a friendly bunch.

Why Go To This Show?

Simple, last time we were here, last year, we had a great time. The show is brilliant as there's a vast choice of workshops, music, exhibitors and therapists.

The ticket costs are detailed in the Quest programme and start at £6 for an adult day ticket and £2.50 for children. You must pre-book for those prices. There's an order form with the programme.

Oh yes. And you can camp too - prices in the Quest 2006 programme.

Watch Out For The Art

Artists can apply to exhibit materials in the specially created art exhibition. And if you like buying art there promises to be quite a display for you to choose from.

Great Music

The show organisers have bands and singers performing each night and at lunchtimes and they include:

  • Neuneuneu – Amazonian Indians
  • Bliss
  • Daughters of Elvin
  • Scott Jasper and Sue Garlick
  • Tim Wheater & Natalie Shaw
  • Daughters of Gaia
  • Touch The Earth
  • Danu Fox
  • Cat von Trapp
  • Mark Robson
  • Madrum
  • Kangaroo Celtic Moon
  • Carolyn Hillyer and Nigel Shaw
  • Dom DiCicco
  • Vanessa Vine

As well as the stage performers you can get into FREE music workshops like “ A Celebration of African Rhythms” with Lynda Aiano & Andrew Dawson. You can bang the drum to your heart’s content, experienced drummer or not.

What Are The Workshops About?

They’re based on the show’s theme of Mind, Body and Spirit.

I’ve cherry-picked 4 workshops as examples of what’s happening over the course of the show.

  • Timothy Freke is a best-selling author. His books include Daily Telegraph Book of The Year “The Jesus Mysteries” and the “Goddess”, cited by Dan Brown as an inspiration for “The Da Vinci Code

  • Malcolm Stern gave the keynote lecture on conflict for the Association of Business Psychologists in 2004. He is the co-presenter Channel 4's “Made for Each Other.” His latest book called, “Falling in Love / Staying in Love”, is about relationships

  • Fire up your life with Rob Sandford whose free talk shows how to discover how lifestyle and attitude changes can transform your quality of life

  • Laughter Workout - run at speed by Joe Hoare. - A good cardiovascular and abdominal workout

Most of the workshops I’ve picked out are free. Other workshops are free or costs range from £2 or £3 to £10 or £15. All workshop prices can be seen clearly in the show programme.

We’ve produced a report about How To Detox and you can get a complimentary copy when you come over and visit us at stand number 73 in the Exhibition Hall.

Whatever you decide on the Mind, Body and Spirit show is something I really want to go to and take part in. So if you can make it too we'd love to see you.

PS We're doing a special Quest 2006 show bonus, valued at just a shade over £700, mention this blog and we'll let you in on it too.

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Thursday, June 29, 2006

The First 9/11 Mercury Poisioniong Death Wont Be The Last

The 9/11 terror attacks on the World Trade Center in New York didn't just kill thousands of people in the two tower blocks. It also condemned others to a lingering illness caused by over 2,400 chemicals and environmental toxins thrown up into the air which have been settling as fine dust taken in by breathing and eating. This was estimated in a report that investigated the environmental problems caused by 9/11.

They've calculated that for lead alone there was 200,000  to 400,000 pounds from the computers and other hardware. 

Another heavy and toxic metal:  Mercury is estimated to have been vapourised from half a million light bulbs.

Detective James Zadroga of the New York Police Department was the first emergency service worker to die from mercury poisoning, as reported on 8th January 2006.  

Mercury Poisoning Kills Hundreds And Ruins Lives of Thousands

The Japanese Minamata bay was only re-opened in the 90's after a 26 year ban on fishing.

The reason?

A factory had been pumping mercury waste into the bay for many years. The fish became contaminated. Fishermen caught the fish and fed their families with them.

The result was that 900 people died from mercury poisoning

Those who died suffered from convulsions and other equally serious symptoms.

It affected the children who were born during the decades that the mercury waste was pumped into the bay.

Over 12,600 people were recognised as victims of the disease.

The problem?

It took many years before people faced up to the poisions there were putting into peoples drinking water and their food.

What About New Yorks Toxic Iceberg?

The one person to die is likely to be one of the first badly affected. He is probably the tip of the toxic iceberg. Many others will struggle on with symptoms that are not diagnosed as toxin-related.

The problem is that when the 9/11 attack occured many tons of toxic material including mercury and lead were vaporised in the intense fires. Effectively they were dumped all over that area of New York.

The result is that people with mercury, and lead, poisioning will continue to appear, unless something is done to reduce or eliminate the toxic loads the original workers, their replacements and the residents now have.

The Olive Leaf Wholeness Center report on their toxin treatment of a group of sufferers does show that heavy metals can be removed from people's bodies. They also used infrared sauna therapy to mobilise heavy metals from the tissues, along with lipophilic antioxidants because many toxins including mercury and dioxins are stored in body's fatty tissues (as noted in Detoxify or Die, Sherry Rogers MD,Sand Key Company, 2002).

So the way to reduce people's toxic load has been proven in their report.

The Buncefield Oil Depot

In Hemel Hempstead an enormous oil depot burst into flame and burned for several days. That also created an enormous amount of toxins in the immediate area. Have doctors there noticed any impact yet? When they do remember the Olive Leaf report which reports on the methods they used to detoxify people and includes the use of infrared saunas.

Friday, June 16, 2006

Detoxify or Die - Which Would You Prefer?

Environmental toxins swill round in our bodies all the time.

Apparently 100% of Americans have styrene (a known carcinogen) in their blood from drinking from styrofoam cups.

This is the type of information that can be found in Dr. Sherry Rogers book, "Detoxify or Die".

It's also reported in the Vitality magazine article titled Detox or Die which explores some of the points made in Detoxify or Die.

The magazine article notes the proven connections between toxins and diseases:

"The EPA confirms that 100% of all people in the world have traces of heavy metals like mercury, lead and cadmium in their blood which target the immune system, the memory areas of the brain, and the nervous system. These come to us through dental amalgam, paints and the like to give us Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, Multiple Sclerosis, Myasthenia gravis, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Multiple Chemical Sensitivity. These connections are proven, and published in the mainstream literature. This year, the Journal of the Canadian Medical Association published an excellent series of articles "

Just so that it doesn't appear to be all doom and gloom the article also notes:

"The successful treatments of environmentally mediated disease include specialized diets, Far infrared sauna treatment (probably one of the very best detox and healing treatments!), specific detoxification protocols for various substances..."

What amazed me as I read this article was almost the final paragraph which related to a special diet given to test subjects and it noted about the results of the diet:

"A 500% increase in beta carotene is what Harvard researchers used to turn cancer genes back into normal genes – the chemistry necessary to reverse cancer.”

If you've got Sherry Rogers book Detoxify or Die and you haven't read it check out this article to see what you're missing. Then read the book it might save your life.

If you haven't already got it buy it from Amazon - "Detoxify or Die."

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Do Multiple Chemical Sensitivities Exist?

Researching on the Internet and I came across an interesting paper by Stephen Barrett M.D.

If you've been diagnosed with  it's going to be a little puzzling.

His conclusion, which I've shown in full, was:

"Multiple chemical sensitivity" is not a legitimate diagnosis. Instead of testing their claims with well-designed research, its advocates are promoting them through publications, talk shows, support groups, lawsuits, and political maneuvering (such as getting state governors to designate a Multiple Chemical Sensitivity Awareness Week). Many are also part of a network of questionable legal actions alleging injuries by environmental chemicals.

Many people diagnosed with "" suffer greatly and are very difficult to treat. Well-designed investigations suggest that most of them have a psychosomatic disorder in which they develop multiple symptoms in response to stress. If this is true -- and I believe it is -- clinical ecology patients run the risks of misdiagnosis, mistreatment, financial exploitation, and/or delay of proper medical and psychiatric care. In addition, insurance companies, employers, other taxpayers, and ultimately all citizens are being burdened by dubious claims for disability and damages. To protect the public, state licensing boards should scrutinize the activities of clinical ecologists and decide whether the overall quality of their care is sufficient for them to remain in medical practice.

Where does that leave those people with "?" Certainly there is no doubt that people can be persuaded that they've been exposed to dreadful toxic chemicals that impact their lives and the result of their belief is their symptoms.

Equally you can't say the World has no toxic problems. The believes that 95% of disease is caused by environmental factors.

A study at conducted research into . James Baraniuk, MD, assistant professor of medicine and first author, said,

"For years, patients with chronic fatigue syndrome have suffered from painful symptoms for which there is no blood test, diagnosable physical condition or any method for doctors to measure improvement. Our research provides initial evidence that chronic fatigue syndrome and its family of illnesses may be legitimate, neurological diseases and that at least part of the pathology involves the central nervous system."

Here is the evidence that exists despite doctors saying that it was psychological and was not a physical disease at all.

It's taken years to arrive at the conclusion that is a real disease.

In a similar way chemical sensitivity may not act in the way doctors currently think. Therefore the tests they carry out to establish whether people have sensitivity may be inadequate.

That said, the paper I quoted originally does note some cases where the practioners involved appear to have been uninterested in their patients welfare. 

So as always it is vital for sufferers to carry out their own research before undergoing strict/harsh regimes to remove toxins.

 has produced a report called "Do It Now: Detox or Die" which describes a number of different ways to detox. To get a Free copy request it at the web site at The Ultimate Sauna Company

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Far Infrared Saunas On Show At L-Shed In Bristol on 10th June

Far infrared saunas from The Ultimate Sauna company are to be demonstrated at the Vegan Fayre in Bristol on Saturday June 10th.

Admission is free, which is great because there's so much going on there. Check out their web site for more details. They've got 127 stands and about 60 speakers, including me.

I'll be at our stands (53 and 54) during the day and my talk is called "Detoxify or Die" and will be at about 4pm..

To find out more about the saunas and how they can save electricity, are better for the environment and help you to wellness come and chat to us or check out our web site.

Don't worry about missing the World Cup kick-off for England as the organisers have put in a large screen so you're not left behind in the action.

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